10th English - Unit - 1

    The young seagull was alone on the ledge. His two brothers and sister started to fly, but he was afraid to fly. He failed to muster up courage to fly. His parents were calling him shrilly, scolding and threatening him to let starve on the ledge. He had no food. He could find nothing except the dried pieces of Mackerel’s tail to eat. He even gnawed the dried egg shell from which he hatched. His parents wanted to teach him to fly. So, the mother seagull showed a piece of fish to the hungry young seagull. But he couldn’t reach the food. Maddened by hunger, he dived at the fish. Thus the young seagull made his first flight. He felt wind against his feathers. He was no longer afraid. He uttered a delightful scream. He was tired and landed on the green sea, his belly touched the water and he sank no farther. He was floating on it. The young birds’ family was very happy. They offered him scraps of dog-fish. Thus the parental care, natural bird’s instinct and urge for survival prompted the young seagull to fly finally.

Moral : Necessity is the mother of action

    The poem ‘LIFE’ was written by ‘Henry Van Dyke’. It is a sonnet. It is the poet’s reflection of his own life. He tells his point of view on the most important things in life. He wants to lead a joyful life with a forward face and an unreluctant soul. He neither wants to hurry to his goal nor move away from his goal. He does not want to mourn for the things that he had lost in the past. He does not hold back for the fear of future. He wants to live his life with a whole and happy heart which cheerfully travels with him from youth to old age. Therefore, it does not matter to him whether the path goes up or down the hill or rough or smooth. He will continue to seek what he wanted as a boy - new friendship, high adventure and a crown (prize). His heart will remain courageous and he will pursue his desires. He hopes that every turn in his life's journey will be the best. He is optimistic.
Moral : Life is a game, play it.  Life is a challenge, face it. 

   Prospero was the famous Duke of Milan. His brother Antonio usurped the Dukedom and exiled Prospero and his daughter Miranda. Gonzalo secretly provided magic books and provisions on the boat. They landed on an island and lived in a cave made out of a rock. Prospero released many good spirits imprisoned in trees by a witch called Sycorax. Of these Ariel was the chief. They helped Prospero in many ways. An ugly monster Caliban, the son of Sycorax was employed as a slave, to fetch wood. After twelve years, Prospero wanted to repent his brother Antonio and Alonso-the king of Naples for their wrong deeds. By using his magical power, Prospero raised a violent storm in the sea to wreck his enemies’ ship. He ordered Ariel to scatter the people on the ship. Each of them thought they were the only survivor. Ariel brought Ferdinand, the prince of Naples to his cave. Ferdinand was the second human whom Miranda had seen after her father. They loved each other. Prospero wanted to test Ferdinand's love. So he set him a severe task to perform. Ariel made Antonio and Alonso feel sorry for what they had done to Prospero. Antonio with tears of sorrow and true repentance begged his brother’s forgiveness. Prospero forgave them all. As a dutiful father, Prospero arranged the marriage of Miranda and Ferdinand. He also released his faithful spirit, Ariel. Thus, Prospero regained his Dukedom of Milan.

Moral: Forgiveness is the virtue of the brave. 



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10th English - Unit - 3